Baby rapist Stuart Young facing life sentence

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how Stuart Young attacked the children. Picture: Bill HenryThe High Court in Edinburgh heard how Stuart Young attacked the children. Picture: Bill Henry
The High Court in Edinburgh heard how Stuart Young attacked the children. Picture: Bill Henry
A PERVERT who repeatedly abused two babies and sexually assaulted a little girl is facing a life sentence.

Despicable Stuart Young, 37, preyed on the helpless kids - who cannot be named for legal reasons - between November 2008 and December 2013.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how the pervert began raping a little boy when he was just one day old. He continued to abuse him until he was aged three months.

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Between November 2008 and December 2013, at various locations in Edinburgh, Young raped a little girl who was aged just six months.

He continued to sexually assault her until December 2013 when she was aged just five.

In July 2013, Young abused a girl aged nine-years-old at an address in the city’s Stenhouse area.

Young was finally caught after police learned about his sick practices. They arrested him after collecting enough evidence to bring him to court.

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Today, temporary judge Paul Arthurson QC deferred sentence for the court to obtain reports to assess whether Young would be suitable for an Order for Lifelong Restriction.

Such a sentence would mean Young would spend the rest of his life behind bars and he would be released when the parole board considered him to no longer pose a threat to public safety.

Judge Arthurson said: “You have been convicted of some terrible crimes. I am concerned about the threat you may pose to the public.”

Young, who has previous convictions, spent a week last month denying any wrong doing. He had entered not guilty pleas but was convicted following a trial.

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The stunned members of the jury heard evidence that on various occasions between November 2008 and December 2013, Young raped a little girl at various addresses in the Scottish capital. She was just six months when the abuse began.

On various occasions between April and July 2013, Young raped a little boy again at various addresses in the Scottish capital.

On July 18 2013, he sexually assaulted a little girl at a house in Edinburgh.

The primary school pupil, who cannot be identified, said that Young had been watching Braveheart before he attacked her.

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When asked how she felt at being abused, the girl, who is aged 11, told the court: “Disgusted.”

The details of the assaults are too shocking and horrifying to be detailed in mainstream media reports.

Following the conclusion of proceedings, Judge Arthurson said the nature of the evidence meant that jurors would be excused from serving on a jury for five year period.

He told them: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is said that serving on a jury at the high court is the greatest service that a citizen can perform in peace time.

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“I have decided to excuse you all from jury service for five years. You will not be getting any citations through your door for that period of time.

“I thank you for your service and I hope you have gained some insight into the work that is done here in the high court.”

It emerged following conviction that Young had previous convictions for non analogous offences.

Defence solicitor advocate Ian Paterson told the court that his client realised that he was going to be sent to prison.

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He added: “Mr Young expects that a substantial period of imprisonment will be imposed upon him.”

Sheriff Arthurson deferred sentence and Young was taken to the court room cells.

He swore as he left the dock with two security officers.

Young was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

Young will now be sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh on August 20 2015.

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