Brave six-year-old Jasmin Henderson's Disneyland dream comes true

Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.
Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.
IT was a fairytale moment fit for a princess '“ as a little girl fighting an aggressive brain tumour found out she was going to Disneyland.

Six-year-old Jasmin Henderson’s wish came true when Princess Jasmine dropped by her family home to break the exciting news.

Earlier this year, we told how young Jasmin had just finished an intense course of radiotherapy and had written up a “Happy List” of all the things she wanted to do.

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Right at the top of the wishlist was a trip to Disneyland in Florida – and yesterday she found out she’ll soon be rubbing shoulders with all her favourite characters.

Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.
Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.

Her dad Neil said the family, from Livingston, was “living for the present” as they don’t know what the future holds.

The 34-year-old and Jasmin’s step-mum, Sam, have already ticked off some of Jasmin’s wishes – including a trip to Pizza Hut.

And they were left ecstatic when charity When You Wish Upon A Star offered to pay for and organise their dream Disney holiday.

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He said: “It was an amazing day, we are so grateful for everything the charity are doing for us.

Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.
Jasmin is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland.

“Jasmin hasn’t been feeling too well recently but when she saw the princess that really cheered her up.

“She’s really looking forward to going to Florida.”

The family, who were all left devastated in November when Jasmin was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, are due to fly out to Disneyland at the end of next week.

They first became aware of Jasmin’s tumour when they noticed a sudden change in her behaviour as she began suffering from nightmares and refusing to go to school.

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After her health took a turn for the worse, they took her to the doctor, and when she was referred to hospital they received the devastating news.

When You Wish Upon a Star grants wishes to children living with life-threatening illnesses

Its spokeswoman Judith King said: “We are thrilled to have been in a position to grant Jasmin her biggest wish from Jasmin’s Happy List – a holiday to Disney World in Florida and it is only with help from our amazing supporters throughout Scotland that we can continue to grant wishes.

“Having secretly planned the morning with Neil and Samantha, we already knew that Jasmin’s favourite Disney princess is Princess Jasmine, so we couldn’t think of anyone better to do the official ‘Wish Presentation’.

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“We arranged for the princess to present her with her golden Mickey Mouse envelope which had her ‘Magical Moments’ certificate, park tickets, travel documents and their villa information for whilst they are in Florida. She was also given a goody bag and some cuddly toys.

“The morning was full of laughter, excitement and anticipation, as Jasmin practised her princess curtsy.”

If you would like to help the Scotland Wish Team at When you Wish Upon A Star, call 0131-273 4344.