Third tourist motorbike stolen in Edinburgh in a month

Alexandre and his bikeAlexandre and his bike
Alexandre and his bike
ANOTHER tourist has had his motorbike stolen from outside a Capital hotel - the third such raid in a month.

Swiss Alexandre Friederich's bright orange Triumph was taken from his Merchiston guesthouse on Friday - the first night of his dream holiday.

Now photos have emerged online apparently showing someone posing on Alexandre’s distinctive 2009 Street Triple R.

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“I thought my bike might be at risk because I knew it was one of the most stolen bikes in Great Britain,” said Alexandre, 22, travelling with his dad, Chris.

“I parked it behind a big Ford and thought that should be enough but my dad went downstairs in the morning and it was gone.

“He came back upstairs and said ‘Alex, your bike is gone’ and I just thought it was another one of his bad jokes.”

Alex has now had to fork-out to hire a replacement bike so father and son and carry on with their ten-day tour of Scotland.

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The Evening News reported last week how Uschy Schneeclaus had only arrived in the city hours before her pride and joy was taken from her Haymarket hotel car park on Saturday.

Ushcy, on a four-week tour of Scotland with husband Roman, is hoping Evening News readers can help track down her ride, nicknamed Lady Tink.

Footage captured on CCTV shows the moment the dark-clad thief in a white helmet tiptoes into the car park before riding off in the early hours.

The couple have since bumped into fellow bikers who have been targeted themselves while passing through the Capital.

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“The Police told me that there’s a task force for motorbikes stolen from tourists,” said Uschy, 58.

“In the last days we met three guys from the ferry and they got also three motorbikes stolen - which makes four.

“So, this is selfservice for the thieves, only walking along the hotels and looking. Every day new victims are coming from the ferry.

“What a shame for the city of Edinburgh. People come for holidays and go home with bad feelings.”

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Evening News readers helped find German biker Jorg Lorenz’s BMW after it was stolen from outside a Newington guesthouse last month.

Police confirmed officers are investigating after Alexandre’s from outside the Edinburgh Caledonian Townhouse in Granville Terrace during Friday night.

“Inquiries are ongoing and anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 1186 of 15th June,” said a Police Scotland spokesman.

“Alternatively an anonymous report can be made to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”