Japan is steeped in the blood of dolphins – Hayley Matthews

Dolphins are slaughtered or end up in one of Japan's dolphinariums. Picture: AFP/GettyDolphins are slaughtered or end up in one of Japan's dolphinariums. Picture: AFP/Getty
Dolphins are slaughtered or end up in one of Japan's dolphinariums. Picture: AFP/Getty
During the week I was lying in bed at 3am crying my eyes out.

It may be because I am quite high on the emotional spectrum and very in tune with my feelings or because I’m a mother but I was completely jarred by a story that I’d read as I lay in bed with baby Oryn.

The article was about the dolphin slaughter which commenced at the beginning of September in Japan and was a very hard read. I cried and cried as I read about a mother dolphin who was reported to have been comforting her family as they realised they had all become trapped and were about to meet their end. The mother dolphin was filmed rubbing up against her young trying to comfort them as they awaited their fate – which was either to be slaughtered or sold on to a dolphinarium.

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Surely we need to realise that we are not the only sentient beings on Earth and that most of the living, breathing beings on this planet are just as sensitive as us humans, complete with families and mates.

I couldn’t sleep for thinking of the pain that the mother must have endured as she realised their mortality as they bounced in the water, trapped in a cove in Taiji, Japan.

I was left wondering if us humans really are decent beings after all. To me there is no difference between the slaughter of dolphins or a cow or a human. We’re all deserving of life and love.

So please, think twice before you go to watch dolphins at Sea World as it promotes captivity of these amazing creatures. The world is a wonderful place and if only we could just live and let live then I’d cancel my ticket to the Moon.

Fatt’s the way to do it in Leith..

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I’ve been raving about the high fat/low carb diet for a few months now so was delighted to discover that the three amazing women behind the Fattbar company are based in Leith.

The team of women who started Fattbar have hit on something incredible and I can only wish positive things for my fellow female Leithers.

I’m addicted to their butter cookies with a coffee in the morning and genuinely feel like I’m having something that I shouldn’t, which I believe is the key to a successful diet plan.

I was introduced to them by Sara from Keto Supplements who I’ve mentioned before as she knows everyone and everything about low carb. However, I don’t think she knew what she was getting the Fattbar team into when she introduced me to them.

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I’m delighted they are on my doorstep as I have become addicted to their bars. Please don’t freak, it’s all good fat and believe me, we should all be eating more fat. They are developing more products as we speak. I tried out their low-carb chocolate granola and its very tasty. I feel quite proud that they’re Leith-based and doing so well.

They introduced me to the low-carb kitchen who have some incredible recipes for alternatives to take-aways such as their Chinese-style cauliflower rice and fatt head. Well done to the women behind the Leith company, you are an inspiration and I wish you a long and fatty career.

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