Policeman accused of pub sexual assault on barmaid

The alleged assault took place at Stramash. Picture: Greg MacveanThe alleged assault took place at Stramash. Picture: Greg Macvean
The alleged assault took place at Stramash. Picture: Greg Macvean
A POLICE officer has appeared in court accused of sexually assaulting a female bar worker and abusing male staff at an Edinburgh pub.

Martin McKay is alleged to have fondled the private parts of the woman at the Stramash music bar in the Capital’s Old Town.

McKay, 49, is also said to have repeatedly exposed his private parts to a male member of staff and uttered threats towards the man during the incident last month.

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The serving officer is then alleged to have behaved in a threatening or abusive manner while in a police vehicle travelling between St Leonard’s and Livingston police stations by threatening to urinate within the vehicle.

McKay, from Rosemarkie, Inverness, is also charged with repeatedly shouting and swearing while in the van.

He is accused of attempting to open the doors of the police vehicle he was travelling in and failing to comply with instructions from the arresting officers.

Court papers also state McKay uttered threats of violence towards his colleagues.

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He also made demands that the officers stop the vehicle on the journey between Edinburgh and Livingston.

A police spokesperson said McKay has been put on restricted duties by Police Scotland since his arrest.

He appeared in the dock at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Wednesday where he pleaded not guilty to the allegations.

Sheriff Frank Crowe told the police officer he was now banned from entering the Stramash music bar in the Cowgate.

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He was also ordered not to contact or approach the female involved in the sexual assault allegation as part of his bail conditions.

Police Scotland has refused to reveal McKay’s rank.

But a spokesperson has confirmed the officer is currently employed in a non-public facing role.

McKay will return to the Capital’s sheriff court to stand trial later this year.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “An off-duty serving officer was charged in connection with a report of a sexual assault in the Cowgate area of Edinburgh on Saturday, August 5.

“He has been placed on restricted duties in a non-public facing role while this matter is subject to criminal proceedings.”