Midlothian South, Christine Grahame SNP - Scottish Parliament elections 2021

Christine Grahame, SNP candidate for Midlothian South.Christine Grahame, SNP candidate for Midlothian South.
Christine Grahame, SNP candidate for Midlothian South.
I have represented you in the Scottish Parliament for 10 years as your constituency MSP.

It is a privilege to serve you and I again am asking for your vote to return me and give your second vote to the SNP Covid meant no library surgeries, TESCO walk-in surgeries, nor my annual Summer Surgery Tour visiting all the villages and hamlets. These face-to-face meetings I miss.

However, the pandemic has meant I am busier than ever, from when you were all coping with lockdown and businesses needed help to access support.

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The vaccination programme brought more queries. Now cautiously we are moving through recovery and can focus on what future we want for ourselves, family, and community. It cannot be a return to the old ways.

The First Minister with her steady cautious manner steering us through the pandemic has shown the true quality of national leadership and if re-elected to government the SNP will seek, with your leave, a referendum, but not while covid threatens us.

You know, I cannot understand why others oppose a referendum. If they thought they would win then why not shout “bring it on”.

With six Tory MPs at Westminster to the SNPs 46 why should Boris Johnson deny Scotland simply asking the question?

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Your vote for me and the second vote for the SNP is a vote for the government’s record, my record over the years and simply having a right to choose. Recovery with Boris at the helm, or the First Minister?