£60 fine for Edinburgh drivers who double-park next to bins

Drivers also face getting their car towedDrivers also face getting their car towed
Drivers also face getting their car towed
SELFISH parkers face getting hit in the pocket for blocking Capital streets by double-parking next to communal bins.

A new campaign by the city council launched this week warns drivers could be slapped with a £60 fine or get their car towed.

Double parking in front of a bin can also put people's lives at risk as emergency services struggle to get past.

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“This is about basic common sense and consideration for others at the end of the day,” said transport and environment convener Lesley Macinnes.

Drivers also face getting their car towedDrivers also face getting their car towed
Drivers also face getting their car towed

The awareness-raising stunt aims to combat the problem of inconsiderately-parked vehicles blocking bins so they cannot be emptied and overflow.

Waste collection crews and parking attendants will dole out information leaflets designed to resemble parking fines in a bid to deter drivers.

One communal bin can service up to 26 households and when access is affected, officials warn it can delay or even prevent collections altogether.

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And waste chiefs added that when bins overflow, it leads to unsightly and unhygienic fly-tipping and litter - spoiling the look and feel of residential streets.

Cllr Macinnes added: "We're running this campaign to raise awareness of an issue which causes real problems for our bin crews because they can't complete their rounds when bins are blocked by parked vehicles.

“Unemptied bins inevitably overflow and lead to increased litter and fly-tipping.

“It's also a very real question of safety - if you block access to the street for bin lorries, you're also potentially blocking ambulances and fire engines from getting to emergency call-outs as well.

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The bin parking campaign will include leaflets for crews to put under windscreen wipers of cars.

The leaflets have information about the issues inconsiderate parking cause and the potential parking fines drivers can face.

Lamppost wrap will be put up in specific problem streets while bin stickers will be plastered on bins which people regularly block with their vehicles.

The council will be raising awareness of its campaign through its social media channels while residents are encouraged to report problem parking.

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Emergency service bosses also backed the campaign to help ensure firefighters, paramedics and police can reach those in need.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: “We would ask members of the public to always be mindful when parking their vehicles, and to be considerate of any potential obstruction to the emergency services.

“On the rare occasions when our crews are faced with an obstruction they will endeavour to use all alternative routes available to them or work with our Police Scotland partners who have the powers to remove any significant obstruction should it impact on our response.”

Anyone who spots an inconsiderately parked car can report it to the city council via 0131 469 5400 or [email protected]