Civil Service Strollers get go-ahead for floodlights at Christie Gillies Park

Christie Gillie Park, home of Civil Service StrollersChristie Gillie Park, home of Civil Service Strollers
Christie Gillie Park, home of Civil Service Strollers
Civil Service Strollers have been given the go-ahead from the City of Edinburgh Council to install floodlights at their Christie Gillies Park home.

The Lowland League outfit requested permission from the authority earlier this year, in response to changes in the Scottish Football Association's licensing criteria.

Strollers, who recorded their best-ever finish in the league last season by ending the campaign in fifth place, need to upgrade their home in order to remain a full member of the SFA and ensure entry to the Scottish Cup.

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The club needs to raise around £30,000 to cover the cost of the renovations, and is expected to launch a fundraising drive in the coming days in a bid to have the work completed as quickly as possible.

Civil are one of just three clubs in the Lowland League to currently play at a a ground without floodlights; the others being Victoria Park, home to Vale of Leithen and Whitehill Welfare's Ferguslie Park.

Club president Russell Pryde said: "We are happy that the planning application was approved by the council with just three objections.

“A club our size means that we will have to "phase" this work in line with our financial situation."

Civil have been based at the 1,569-capacity Christie Gillies Park since their move to Muirhouse in 1957.