Child hit by falling glass at Edinburgh primary school rushed to hospital

Balgreen Primary School. Picture: Ian Georgeson.Balgreen Primary School. Picture: Ian Georgeson.
Balgreen Primary School. Picture: Ian Georgeson.
The glass fell from a broken window.

A child was rushed to hospital after being hit in the head by glass falling from a broken window in a Capital school yesterday.

The child did not suffer major injuries but an investigation has been launched by Edinburgh City Council and all other windows in the school have been inspected in case of defects.

The cause of the breakage, which happened in the school’s gym hall, is unknown.

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It is understood not to have been caused by an external impact such as being hit with a ball or other object.

Parents at the school have expressed concern for health and safety after the incident.

"It was a total random act but obviously it’s concerning as a parent. This child was probably very lucky,” said one parent.

"We’re all obviously really stressed and panicky at the moment with the Covid situation and sending the kids back to school and the last thing we expect is for a window to fall in on a child’s head.

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"For a window just to fall in in the gym hall and strike a child on the head is quite scary for parents.

“I would expect that the school would be doing a thorough investigation and health and safety checks and everything else.

"I don’t know what their procedures are for accidents that occur within the school. It’s just worrying.”

A spokesperson for the council said: “We are aware of the incident which caused a minor injury to a pupil and we wish them a swift recovery.

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"As soon as the incident happened our property team immediately went to the school and made the window safe.

"As a precaution all other windows in the school were inspected and we have started an investigation to establish how this happened.”

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