This is why you might be seeing rainbows in Stockbridge

Kristen Dalziel has created an Instagram page for people to share their rainbow pictures.Kristen Dalziel has created an Instagram page for people to share their rainbow pictures.
Kristen Dalziel has created an Instagram page for people to share their rainbow pictures.
They’re often seen as a symbol of peace and hope...

And in some parts of Edinburgh you might just see a few more rainbows around to brighten up your child’s day in these dark times.

Stockbridge resident Kristen Dalziel was one of the first to display a rainbow image in her window on Thursday. She has taken inspiration from a Facebook post being shared locally which originated in Brooklyn, New York, whereby residents have started up a neighbourhood wide game of ‘I spy a rainbow’ for young families no longer able to go to school or some play areas.

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Kristen said: “One of my friends, her three-year-old daughter loves rainbows and was planning a rainbow-themed birthday party in April, so I thought ‘what a beautiful idea to do this here.’

“With the schools not being in, children aren’t able to play with their friends and now she can walk past and looks up and she sees it, so it’s kind of like a little game. It’s a bit like Christmas lights and it adds a bit of joy when things are a bit shaky right now.”

Kristen, who is nine weeks pregnant with her first child, falls into the vulnerable groups of people being advised by the UK Government to be particularly stringent with social distancing measures amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The 33-year-old says she has already spotted another rainbow picture in her street and hopes the idea will catch on around Edinburgh and beyond.

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She continued: “It’s a good class activity for kids to do at home, be it a photo, with paint or pastel, and they can then go out spotting them while going to the park.”

Kristen, whose background is in marketing, also hopes the game can alleviate the stress heaped on many parents just now – and the knock-on effect on their children – with the impact of coronavirus on jobs and school closures.

She originally spotted the US-based rainbow post in a local Facebook group called EGG Edinburgh and adapted it before sharing with She says the post has been shared about 45 times.