Discover Edinburgh’s secret history and green spaces on foot

Everything you need to escape can be found within a few hours’ walk from your homeEverything you need to escape can be found within a few hours’ walk from your home
Everything you need to escape can be found within a few hours’ walk from your home
Get inspired by the hidden history and green spaces right here on our doorstep in Edinburgh this spring and summer.

After repeated lockdowns and a year like no other, many of us can’t wait for a change of scene this summer.

With limited chances for overseas travel, 2021 is set to be the year of the staycation – which means it’s the perfect time to appreciate what we have right here.

And spring is the perfect time to start to explore what Edinburgh has to offer.

Now is the perfect time to spread an Ordnance Survey map across your kitchen table and plan your Edinburgh adventureNow is the perfect time to spread an Ordnance Survey map across your kitchen table and plan your Edinburgh adventure
Now is the perfect time to spread an Ordnance Survey map across your kitchen table and plan your Edinburgh adventure

As restrictions begin to ease it’s no surprise that 44 per cent of people in the UK have started planning trips in Great Britain, with almost a third already all booked up according to research by Visit Scotland.

Getting outside and exploring the outdoors has provided a welcome sense of freedom during the coronavirus pandemic.

Adventure awaits once more, but where will yours take you?

Ordnance Survey's Walk Edinburgh urban map offers the chance to discover the city’s dramatic views and thrilling past – and it's designed for staycation day trippers and natives of the capital alike.

Adventure awaits once more, but where will yours take you?Adventure awaits once more, but where will yours take you?
Adventure awaits once more, but where will yours take you?

It sets out step-by-step guides for three walks that take in Edinburgh’s famous landmarks, beautiful green spaces and surprising treasures.

Everything you need to escape can be found within a few hours’ walk from your home, so now is the perfect time to spread an Ordnance Survey map across your kitchen table and plan your Edinburgh adventure.

Walk Edinburgh

Residents will know that Edinburgh is bursting at the seams with charm, history and romance, but there's even more to uncover with this OS Urban Map, including Edinburgh Castle, The Royal Mile, Princes Street Gardens, The Royal Botanic Garden, Calton Hill and Arthur's Seat.

Each area has a map, key points of interest, a suggested route, notes on the history and much more – with so much detail, it is ideal for residents staying at home this summer who want to see their city in a different way.

The three featured walks are:

- Enjoy the famous Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile

- Hike up Arthur’s Seat via lesser trodden paths and explore Holyrood Park and Calton Hill without having to climb any steps

- Meander along 12kms of the Water of Leith as it shadows the river past the Royal Botanic Gardens out to the sea.

Buy your Ordnance Survey maps and guidebooks from all good bookshops and outdoor retailers when available, or online from the OS shop at

Find even more inspiration for 2021 at