Chef raped vulnerable victim while he was abusing steroids

The High Court  in EdinburghThe High Court  in Edinburgh
The High Court in Edinburgh
A CHEF who raped a vulnerable woman whilst abusing powerful steroids has been jailed for five years.

Lee Ibbotson,25, preyed on his victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at a flat in Duddingston, Edinburgh on July 17 2017.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard he attacked the woman, who is now aged 21, after she had enjoyed a night out in the city.

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She was so drunk that she was found to be six times over the drink driving consent and incapable of providing consent to Ibbotson, also of Edinburgh,.

The first offender took advantage of the woman. But he was finally brought to justice after she plucked up enough courage to relive her ordeal to police officers.

However, on Monday, judge Lord Arthurson told Ibbotson that he needed to go to prison for his crime.

Lord Arthurson added: “Knowing very well what a highly vulnerable condition she was in through intoxication by alcohol, you proceeded nonetheless to have intercourse with her.

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"Your sexual assault upon her in these circumstances was predatory and disgraceful, and you will pay the price for that today.”

Jurors convicted Ibbotson after a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh last month.

Ibbotson admitted having sex with his victim but he claimed that it was consensual.

During proceedings, the court heard the woman had spent the evening before the attack socialising with friends.

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She found herself in a property in Edinburgh and felt unwell. Ibbotson then sexually assaulted his victim and she was unable to stop him.

Following the attack, the woman managed to go to the police who launched an investigation into what happened.

Scientists found that at the time of the attack she would have been just under six times the drink driving limit.

The woman told the court that she didn’t want to have sex with Ibbotson.

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In his speech to jurors, prosecution lawyers Richard Goddard QC said the woman’s evidence was corroborated by other sources of information.

Mr Goddard said that the level of intoxication showed that she would have been unable to provide consent for sex.

He added: “She was extremely affected by alcohol. She was in no fit state to provide consent to the accused.

“This is an absolutely compelling case and I’d urge you to find the accused guilty.”

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Defence lawyer Jim Keegan QC told the court that his client came from a terrible background.

Mr Keegan added: “He is a young man who is disinclined ordinarily to commit criminal offences.”

Lord Arthurson also told Ibbotson that he’d be on the Sex Offenders’ Register for an indefinite period.

He added: “At the time of the present offence you were taking anabolic steroids and had consumed alcohol.

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“You have been assessed as presenting a moderate risk of general re conviction but a high risk of re conviction for sexual offences.

“That said, you will of course appreciate that for a grave sexual offence of this nature no sentence other than a substantial custodial one will be appropriate.

“You will serve on this indictment a period of five years imprisonment.

“Finally, as a result of this sentence, you will henceforth be subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 for an indefinite period.”

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