Edinburgh dental practice targeted in raid for platinum implants

Police have made a CCTV appeal following the raid.Police have made a CCTV appeal following the raid.
Police have made a CCTV appeal following the raid.
A CAPITAL dental surgery has been targeted in an armed attack over its stocks of platinum-based implants, it is understood.

Staff at Newington-based Edinburgh Dental were left terrified after a masked raider burst into the practice and threatened them with a weapon before stealing items from one of the treatment rooms.

Officers have not confirmed the exact items being targeted by the man, however it is believed he was looking for implants containing platinum alloys after the price of the metal soared in recent weeks.

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The incident happened at around 1pm at the practice on Ratcliffe Terrace on Friday, February 8.

No one is understood to have been injured, however police have now released images and footage from nearby CCTV cameras in an attempt to identify the suspect.

A CNBC report found the value of the metal, which is often obtained as a by-product during the process of mining nickel or copper, rose to more than £630 per ounce in February.

However, the rising prices have also been blamed for a spate of catalytic converter thefts from 4x4 vehicles in England. The devices, which convert toxic gases produced by internal combustion engines into less toxic pollutants, use platinum and palladium during the conversion process and have become prized on the illegal metal market.

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The Met reported 900 thefts of catalytic converters between July 2018 and February 2019, the highest anywhere in the country according to the latest available figures.

In dentistry, the material is used for jawbone implants which can cost tens of thousands of pounds each.

Officers believe the man pictured in the CCTV footage may be able to assist with their investigation and anyone who recognises him is asked to come forward.

Detective Constable Stephen Herd, from Edinburgh’s Violence Reduction Unit said: “This incident has left staff at the premises understandably shaken and our inquiries remain ongoing. We are keen to hear from anyone who can help identify the man pictured, and anyone who can help us is asked to come forward.”

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He continued: “Similarly, if you have any other information relevant to this investigation then please get in touch.”

The man is described as around six feet tall, in his 30s, very slim and is believed to have an Eastern European accent. He was wearing a black balaclava with a red logo on the forehead, glasses, a tight grey-coloured top, dark coloured bottoms, red trainers and wore gloves

Edinburgh Dental was unavailable for comment when contacted.

Those with information are asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 and quote incident number 1760 of Friday, February 8 or Crimestoppers anonymously.