Man caused infant multiple injuries and bone fractures

The High Court in Edinburgh. Picture: TSPLThe High Court in Edinburgh. Picture: TSPL
The High Court in Edinburgh. Picture: TSPL
AN EDINBURGH man who repeatedly threw a two month old baby in the air caused the child to sustain multiple rib and leg injuries, the High Court has heard.

Liam Simpson,22, was arrested after the infant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, fell ill and was taken to hospital.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard on Tuesday that doctors carried out X Rays on the tot and found he had sustained a number of painful injuries.

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The court heard that medics concluded that the damage sustained by the little boy could only have been caused by somebody throwing him in the air.

Police launched an investigation and found evidence to prove that people had seen Simpson carrying out the activity.

The story emerged after Simpson, also of Edinburgh, pleaded guilty before judge Lord Woolman to a charge of culpably and recklessly throwing the baby in the air at various locations in Scotland between December 28 2016 and March 17 2017.

After admitting the culpable and reckless conduct charge, the Crown accepted a not guilty plea to a charge which alleged that he assaulted the same child to his severe injury and to the danger of his life on the same dates and at the same locations as the culpable and reckless conduct charge.

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Prosecutors also accepted a plea of not guilty to a charge which alleged that on December 8 2014, Simpson repeatedly inflicted blunt force trauma to a four week old child at a house in Edinburgh.

On Tuesday, prosecution lawyer Kath Harper told the court that witnesses were concerned by the way he threw the child into the air.

After the baby fell ill in March 2017, doctors concluded that the baby had been deliberately injured and contacted police who immediately launched an investigation.

The child had multiple rib fractures and injuries to his tibia and femur.

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