Giant uses Scots court to ban small bakery firm's use of trays

The Pine Tree Bakery on Home Street. Picture: Richard ScottThe Pine Tree Bakery on Home Street. Picture: Richard Scott
The Pine Tree Bakery on Home Street. Picture: Richard Scott
A BAKERY has been ordered to stop using bread trays owned by another company after a bizarre court battle.

Bakers Basco, which supplies about four million trays to bakers across the UK, won an interdict against Sebastian Sosenko, owner and manager of The Pine Tree Bakery at Tollcross, giving him 14 days to return their property.

The company said that every year it lost several million pounds’ worth of bread trays and equipment which were “misappropriated” by third parties who had no contractual relationship with the bread manufacturers.

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Bakers Basco said this was the first time it had used the Scottish legal system directly to protect its members’ interests.

Steve Millward, general manager at Bakers Basco, said: “We have been forced to ask for a permanent interdict stopping him from using and abusing our baskets.

“Our recovery team tracked a sizeable amount of our equipment to The Pine Tree Bakery and found that he is treating other people’s property as if it were his own.”

The Pine Tree Bakery at Home Street advertises itself as “a family company with many years of experience in baking traditional bread, cakes and sweet pastries”, using exclusively Polish ingredients and recipes.

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Bakers Basco, set up in 2006 by five of the UK’s biggest bakers, owns and manages a massive pool of trays used by over 20 bakers, including Allied Bakeries, Hovis and Warburton’s, to deliver bread to their customers.

The loss of trays is such a regular problem that the company employs a dedicated asset recovery team to recover its misappropriated equipment.

And it recently used GPS tracking technology to help with an investigation into a food company in North Yorkshire which was using bread trays for meat.

Photographs on the Bakers Basco website show bread trays being misused to store tools, as a feeding basket for sheep, piled up on top of each other to create market stalls and even laid together to formg a bed.

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Mr Sosenko did not respond to Evening News attempts to contact him.

The Pine Tree Bakery was ordered to close temporarily by the city council after inspectors found an infestation of mice and beetles in 2007.

The News told how environmental heath officers had been left shocked by the conditions they found during the routine inspection.