MoonWalk heroes: Dunbar Dream Team: '˜What it's like to be a child walker'

Dunbar Dream Team - Audrey Cameron, Abigail Sheridan, Anna Sheridan, Erin Ross,  Isla Ross, and Lisa Ross.Dunbar Dream Team - Audrey Cameron, Abigail Sheridan, Anna Sheridan, Erin Ross,  Isla Ross, and Lisa Ross.
Dunbar Dream Team - Audrey Cameron, Abigail Sheridan, Anna Sheridan, Erin Ross, Isla Ross, and Lisa Ross.
AHEAD of MoonWalk Scotland next month, we speak to five different participants from five different backgrounds about who they are, where they come from and why they're '˜walking the walk'. Today we hear from the inspirational young girls who make up the '˜Dunbar Dream Team'.

Walking the streets of Edinburgh in the dark was amazing and it was great to see the buildings lit up pink.

We thought it was going to be really hard but the crowd moved you along. We were self- conscious about dressing up but when we saw everyone in costumes we wished we dressed up more so will make better outfits this year.

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We got popcorn towards the end when we were really tired and loads of balloons and a lady was telling us how well we had done so it took our mind off being tired. A lady ran out of a pub and took her t-shirt off and started walking with us which was really funny.

The warm up was fun and we went on the stage to dance. It’s good to get a medal because you have really achieved something. All the volunteers were really kind to us and we got food before we walked.

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The most fun was the pop-up cafe we did in the afternoon. Anouska from ‘Be green’ in Dunbar let us change her shop into a cafe for the day and lots of people came. We sold every cake and raised more than £500. The cafe was quiet for the first half an hour but then all of a sudden it was so busy people had to share tables and people were coming in off the street to buy cakes. We also shook a pink bucket to get donations. A lady who did The MoonWalk in London heard about the cafe and came in for coffee and cake.

Aunties, uncles, friends and family all donated more than £800 in sponsorship for us doing the New Moon. They made cakes for us to sell too.

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The worst bit was not knowing what to expect when you get to The MoonWalk, but we soon realised there was nothing to be afraid of.

The most difficult was finding time to walk together for a practice walk but we went to Arthur’s Seat and had a walk and a picnic together so we would know where we were going in the dark.

The best bit was raising money for a good cause, generous people and achieving a medal.

We would encourage other children to get involved because there weren’t many kids it’s a good night and a good experience and other fundraisers inspire you to and to do more and when you hear good stories of where the money goes to you feel like you have helped towards that.

Erin Ross, age 12, Isla Ross, age 10, Abigail Sheridan age 12 and Anna Sheridan age 10 – Dunbar Dream Team

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