Failing to learn the lessons of planning history - Kevin Buckle

The fate of the former Royal High School on Calton Hill remains undecidedThe fate of the former Royal High School on Calton Hill remains undecided
The fate of the former Royal High School on Calton Hill remains undecided
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” was a popular quote on posters when I was a student, so I was optimistic when the council first explained to me all the possible pitfalls in selling their King’s Stables Road site.

Top priority was to make sure any winning bid was adhered to and to this end all the reports necessary were done in advance so nobody could claim a discovery later to lower their winning bid.

Another priority, given this was intended to be part of an arts quarter, was to have firm plans for an arts centre and “interesting retail” and hence the council asked me to liaise with developers and also introduce them to local businesses.

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