My 2022 predictions: Nicola Sturgeon, Boris Johnson and Joe Biden will all announce they're quitting (and Scotland will score some lovely goals at World Cup) – Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP

Boris Johnson will stand down as Prime Minister and be replaced by Rishi Sunak this year, predicts Alex Cole-Hamilton (Picture: Dan Kitwood/PA Wire)Boris Johnson will stand down as Prime Minister and be replaced by Rishi Sunak this year, predicts Alex Cole-Hamilton (Picture: Dan Kitwood/PA Wire)
Boris Johnson will stand down as Prime Minister and be replaced by Rishi Sunak this year, predicts Alex Cole-Hamilton (Picture: Dan Kitwood/PA Wire)
I don’t know why I keep doing this. If you look across my previous New Year predictions across both this column and social media my record is truly appalling.

I am utterly dreadful at predicting the future. This can be evidenced from last year in the fact that Michael Gove is not Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon is *still* First Minister of Scotland and the Olympics were not postponed until 2022.

It wasn’t all disastrous, I was right about a couple of things last year. There wasn’t a referendum and pro-independence parties failed to obtain over 50 per cent of the vote between them at the Holyrood elections.

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As with years previous, there were also some things that I just didn’t see coming at all. For instance, if you’d told me last Hogmanay that I’d be leading a political party that was at least seven times more popular than the party led by Alex Salmond I’d have thought you off your rocker. The same goes for if you’d told me that the Lib Dems would win North Shropshire in a by-election from third place and ten per cent.

It’s just a bit of fun and after all, it’s Christmas so here goes. In 2022, I predict:

1: Joe Biden will announce that he will not run for a second term as president of the US. He’s had a tough couple of years. Failing health and popularity will see him step aside. Kamala Harris will immediately announce her intention to run.

2: Boris Johnson will resign as Prime Minister but not in a way that shows any kind of accountability. He will likely lean on a health issue (long Covid?) and will be gone by the summer.

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