Edinburgh brothers take on mammoth world record attempt of quickest rowing crossing of the Atlantic

The three brothers set off from the Canary Islands on Thursday last week (Photo: Broar Media)The three brothers set off from the Canary Islands on Thursday last week (Photo: Broar Media)
The three brothers set off from the Canary Islands on Thursday last week (Photo: Broar Media)
Team Broar sit in third in the race which began last week.

Three Edinburgh-raised brothers are en route to the Caribbean in an attempt to break a world record and become the fastest trio to row across the Atlantic.

Ewan, Jamie and Lachlan MacLean, the three sons of whisky expert and author Charles MacLean, left the shores of the Canary Islands alongside 34 other teams also hoping to break the record on 12 December.

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Now, a week in, the brothers sit in third place in the race, behind the leaders British team Fortitude IV and the Australian boat Rowed Less Travelled.

Team Broar are approximately four days behind the leaders and are likely to arrive in Antigua on Monday 27 January after more than 45 days of non-stop rowing.

Rowing two hours on, one hour off, the Scottish brothers will face shark-infested waters and shipping lanes.

Hallucinations and severe dehydration risks for rowers

The race, called the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, will also have severe physical effects on the rowers.

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As well as losing more than 20 per cent of their bodyweight and having to eat around 12,000 calories a day, the racers will face blisters, exhaustion, severe dehydration, salt sores and hallucinations caused b a lack of sleep and low sugar levels, all while rowing as hard as possible in storms and 40 degree heat.

The youngest brother Lachlan, 21, said: “We realised if we didn’t do this now, we would never do it.

“It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wouldn’t be able to do it without my two big brothers alongside me.

“We’ll go to some dark places, but we’ll learn so much about ourselves and each other.

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“We know it will be a challenge – most other crews have military or navy experience.

“We’re two students and an engineer whose rowing experience prior to signing up for this was in the gym.

“But I’ve always believed everyone is capable of amazing things and no matter how painful it is, it will be amazing to look back on when we’re old and grey.”

Aim to raise £250,000 for charity

Broar had to raise £120,000 to cover equipment, transportation of the boat and entry fees, with the aim being to raise £250,000 for the charities Feedback Madagascar and Children First.

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Managing director of Feedback Madagascar, Jamie Spencer, said: “While we will be sitting in our warm homes enjoying the holidays, these brave boys will be undertaking an incredible challenge for a great cause.

“As a result of their efforts, we will be building new boreholes with the funds they raise to transform the lives of over 6,000 people in Madagascar.

“If they hit their fundraising target, for each mile they put behind them they will have provided two more people with clean water.”

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