'It was carnage' - About 50 people queue up for free Costa Coffee in Leith Tesco

About 50 people queued up for their free Costa Coffee in the Tesco in Leith's Duke Street. Pic: Google MapsAbout 50 people queued up for their free Costa Coffee in the Tesco in Leith's Duke Street. Pic: Google Maps
About 50 people queued up for their free Costa Coffee in the Tesco in Leith's Duke Street. Pic: Google Maps
Shoppers in a Leith Tesco had to battle through a queue of about 50 people who were lining up for a free Costa Coffee today.

The massive queue formed in the Tesco in Duke Street this afternoon, with many children arriving to wait their turn after school.

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Free Costa Coffee: Here are all the places in Edinburgh you can pick one up toda...

The coffee chain is celebrating by treating its customers to a drink on them, while aiming to change the public's perception of coffee making machines.

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One man who was in the Tesco store at the time said: "It was carnage. The kids were just arriving from school. There were around 50 people waiting when I passed.

"They all queued up nicely and were waiting their turns but getting to the shelves behind them was a bit of a nightmare.

"As I was leaving more groups of kids in uniforms were jointing the queue."

Dozens of machines across Edinburgh are being used by the public today for their free coffees.

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