Edinburgh reacts to Nicola Sturgeon announcing phase of lockdown to commence

The First Minister announced that Scotland would move into phase two on ThursdayThe First Minister announced that Scotland would move into phase two on Thursday
The First Minister announced that Scotland would move into phase two on Thursday
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today announced that Scotland would move into phase two of the Scottish Government route map for easing lockdown restrictions.

Advice has also changed for that of shielded people, who are now allowed outside for exercise.

People can now meet people from up to two households outside with two metres distance, and now guidance will allow people to go inside to use toilets if needed.

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Anyone who lives alone will be allowed to form and extended household group which will allow them to stay overnight with another household.

However, despite speculation earlier this week Ms Sturgeon has advised that outside hospitality areas such as beer gardens should not reopen at this stage.

Evening News readers had mixed reactions to the announcement, with many believing that Ms Sturgeon was moving too slowly to ease lockdown measures. Other concerned readers believed that she was correct to proceed with caution to prevent a second wave of the virus.

Atholl Cunningham said: “She is turning into a nightmare. I understand caution but she is just taking it too far.”

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Bert Robertson commented: “She is a bit behind the times as always, some non essential shops already open.”

Robert Howlieson added: “Shocking kick in the teeth to the pub trade. No reason behind it.”

Janice Stienlet said: “I think just careful as we don't yet have any idea when too many people gather in groups.”

Peter Keenan commented: “ I’ve backed her from day one of this but she’s moving the goalposts now. Phase 2 clearly says mixing with another household INDOORS would be permitted. She’s now changed this to “toilets only”. Does anyone actually know what they’re doing!?”

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Brian Anderson said: “Nobody listening anyway including me just get to phase 4 stop dragging yer heels women.”

Ian Munro commented: “Phase 2 more or less a non event. Most people are meeting up with others already so only change is shops opening. We were led to believe that beer gardens would open but she's bottled it (no pun intended) on this and delayed a decision until July.”

Steve Bell said: “So we are heading the same way as England just at later dates. Best to use your common sense and stay home away from shops, she even said it herself. It's still there and its still deadly. This is just to save the economy and I'm not buying it.”

Vic Weddel commented: “No beer gardens after public and spending a small fortune to get ready. Streets closed of in Aberdeen I believe. Edinburgh Zoo still closed. Well done.”

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Speaking about the announcement that beer gardens would not open, Christine Wooley said: “She’s following scientific advice. She called these places 'hotspots' for transfer of the virus. Folk can buy drink in supermarkets and sit outside....don’t understand the problem.”

Patricia Hutt added: “I don't envy her job this virus has effected most of the world and yes it's not what everyone wants but my god rather follow her rules whether you like it or not these other countries went and eased lockdown now have outbreaks.”