More parking fines issued in Edinburgh than any other Scottish city

More fines were issued in Edinburgh than anywhere else in ScotlandMore fines were issued in Edinburgh than anywhere else in Scotland
More fines were issued in Edinburgh than anywhere else in Scotland
A new report has found that more parking fines were issued in Edinburgh than any other Scottish city.

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Wardens have slapped motorists in Edinburgh with £60 penalty charge notices 500 times a day on average.

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Enforcement officers put 58,994 tickets on motorists’ vehicles in the Capital between July and September this year, amounting to 641 every day.

The number of fines in Edinburgh accounted for more than half (65 per cent) of all fines issued in Scotland and generated revenue of more than £2.3 million.

The Capital’s George street was deemed to be the ‘hot spot’ for fines,

Steve Gooding, director of the RAC Foundation, said: “Providing and managing the space for us to park our cars is not a cost-free activity for councils, but controlling those costs is clearly important.”

1. Edinburgh: 58,994

2. Glasgow: 33,693

3. Aberdeen: 10,170

4. Fife: 5698

5. Dundee: 4,910

6. Stirling: 2,893

7. Inverclyde: 1,966

8. Argyle and Bute: 1,789

9. Refrewshire: 1,556

10. East Ayrshire: 1,471