Register to vote reminder for Midlothian residents

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Stock ballot box image
Midlothian residents are being reminded to check they can vote in the next Local Government Elections.

Voters across the county will be voting for councillors to represent them in Midlothian’s six wards on May 5, with three councillors elected in each of the wards.

While most people who registered to vote in time for the Scottish Parliament Elections in 2021 will still be eligible to take part, first time voters or anyone who has since moved will need to register again.

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Dr Grace Vickers, the Chief Executive of Midlothian Council and Returning Officer for Midlothian, said: “With the registration deadline on April 18, it’s vital anyone planning to vote in the upcoming local council election checks they are on the electoral register. If you are aged 16 and over and you live in Midlothian, you can vote in this election.”

Dr Vickers said voting is an opportunity to have your say on local issues that are important to us all.

She added: “Voting is an important part of the democratic process so please take the time to look at how you want to vote, if you are planning to do so. You can cast your vote in person, by post or by proxy.”

Dr Vickers reassured voters planning to vote in person that current coronavirus guidance will be followed to keep people safe at polling stations.

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You can register for postal or proxy vote by 5pm on April 19 or apply for emergency proxy votes by 5pm on May 5.

Voters can obtain more information about the elections and how to vote at