US Secretary of State flies to UK as concerns over Huawei's role in the UK's 5G network rise

Britain has approved a controversial role for China's Huawei in developing its 5G network. Picture: Getty ImagesBritain has approved a controversial role for China's Huawei in developing its 5G network. Picture: Getty Images
Britain has approved a controversial role for China's Huawei in developing its 5G network. Picture: Getty Images
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is flying into Britain amid deep concern in Washington at Boris Johnson's decision to allow the Chinese tech giant Huawei to have a role in the UK's 5G network.

The National Security Council (NSC) agreed on Tuesday to give the green light for the firm to play a limited part in building the network, despite repeated appeals by the US not do so.

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The Trump administration has warned it would suspend intelligence-sharing with any ally that allows the Chinese firm into its 5G networks amid fears security could be compromised.

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