Here’s why I believe in angels – Hayley Matthews

Do angels guide us through  tough times? (Picture: Getty)Do angels guide us through  tough times? (Picture: Getty)
Do angels guide us through tough times? (Picture: Getty)
I know some people might think I sound like a bit of a nut, but I believe in angels, just like Michelangelo, writes Hayley Matthews.

When I was younger I had a memory box full of random things from my childhood and teens.

Recently I had a good rake through the items and it felt quite comforting. I found lots of meaningful things including photos, trinkets from my friends when I was at school and a pack of Archangel Oracle Cards.

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Now I know these cards aren’t for everyone as many are sceptical but I’ve always been interested in angels, the other side, spirituality and the divine. I mean, surely there must be something.

I’ve had too many insanely accurate medium readings for there not to be messages sent from somewhere.

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I say to the sceptics, hey we can’t see radio waves, yet we can hear Chris Evans on Virgin Radio, so what’s to say there aren’t spirits and angels guiding us through tough times whispering advice?

It makes perfect sense to me and it gives me comfort. I’ve had the cards for at least 25 years and have been using them again recently (not too much or I feel it all gets diluted), but just enough to give myself some reassurance.

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I can appreciate some out there may think I sound like a bit of a nut. However, many of us just have to do what feels right when we need a bit of soothing. For me, the angels have it. Michelangelo once said on being asked how he was able to carve such a beautiful angel from marble: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

So if Michelangelo knew they were about, then that’s good enough for me.

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