Edinburgh as seen by the eyes of a child

View of Sugarhouse Close towards the Royal MileView of Sugarhouse Close towards the Royal Mile
View of Sugarhouse Close towards the Royal Mile
IT may be a long time since you last saw the Capital through the eyes of a child, but right now there's a chance to do just that at the Museum of Edinburgh.

There, the exhibition My Edinburgh, A unique perspective of Edinburgh in Photography by the children of Wester Hailes can currently be viewed.

The exhibition showcases photography created by a group of young people from Wester Hailes aged between 6 and 16.

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Inspiration for their photographs was taken from the city and surrounding areas and was designed to encourage the young people involved to showcase their pride in their own city, whilst also giving them the opportunity to learn and develop new photography skills.

Michael Bowdidge, Streetarts Project Co-ordinator with WHALE Arts, the organisation behind the project says, “Working with this group of young people has been a wonderful and literally eye -opening experience.

“Time and again I have been struck by the subtlety, wit and excitement of the photographs they take.

“For me, it’s a real privilege to have had the opportunity to see the world through their eyes.”

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The 20 young people worked with photographers, Grant Ritchie, Jonathan Cruickshank, Gordon Veitch and Ailsa Grandison to create their works, which will be on display at the Museum of Edinburgh until 29 September.

Kate Griffin, of WHALE Arts says, “WHALE Arts is delighted to have been working in partnership with Museums and Galleries Edinburgh on this exciting project.

“Working with artists, curators and photographers has offered young people in Wester Hailes the opportunity to develop their skills and creativity and to share their perspective on the city.”

Edinburgh in Photography by the children of Wester Hailes, Museum of Edinburgh, Royal Mile, until 29 September, free