Edinburgh cyclist knocked off bike on city roundabout by hit-and-run driver

Police appeal for witnesses of Edinburgh hit and run after cyclist is knocked off his bike on roundaboutPolice appeal for witnesses of Edinburgh hit and run after cyclist is knocked off his bike on roundabout
Police appeal for witnesses of Edinburgh hit and run after cyclist is knocked off his bike on roundabout
Police are appealing for witnesses of a hit and run in Edinburgh to come forward after a 25-year-old man was knocked off his bike by a driver who then failed to stop.

The collision happened on Saturday, December 12, 2020 at around 7.50pm.

The cyclist was travelling northwards on London Road from Blenheim Place and entered the roundabout with Leith Walk.

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A silver vehicle joined the roundabout eastwards from Antigua Street and a collision occurred, causing the 25-year-old male cyclist to fall to the ground.

The silver vehicle failed to stop at the scene and continued eastwards from the roundabout onto Elm Row.

Constable Andy Crothers, of the Road Policing Unit based at Fettes, said: "We are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed this incident or anyone who was in the area around that time and may have dash cam footage to come forward.

"We're also looking to speak to the driver who left the scene, so we're appealing for them to contact us."

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Anyone with information on the collision should contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 3528 of December 12, 2020.

News of this collision comes just one day after police appealed for information on another Edinburgh hit and run involving a cyclist and a vehicle which happened around 7pm on Sunday, December 13.

A 15-year-old boy was riding a ‘Just Eat’ hire bike at Mayfield Gardens, and at the junction of East Mayfield his bike was struck by a vehicle, which did not stop.

He was taken to the Royal Hospital for Children, where he was checked over and released.

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