Edinburgh Airport flight path review suspended by CAA

Edinburgh Airport is growing at nearly 11 per cent a year. Picture: Ian GeorgesonEdinburgh Airport is growing at nearly 11 per cent a year. Picture: Ian Georgeson
Edinburgh Airport is growing at nearly 11 per cent a year. Picture: Ian Georgeson
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) review of proposed changes to Edinburgh Airport's flight paths has been suspended.

Edinburgh Aurport had said that changes to flight paths were needed to cope with the soaring number of passengers, but local groups had raised concerns about the prospect of new routes and the impact it would have on communities.

The CCA stated that it will “not continue its review into Stage 5 of the Airspace Change Process”.

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It added: “We have requested the airport address a number of technical and co-ordination issues.”

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The airport had modified its plans following a consultation with members of the public.

Edinburgh Airport insisted its flight path proposals “work” and were “the best balance achievable”.

A spokesman for the airport responded to the decision from the CAA saying: “Scotland’s first airspace change programme in over 40 years is a complex exercise involving many organisations.

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“Our airspace change programme is the first of many and it is clear that all of this needs to be co-ordinated with NATS (National Air Traffic Services).

“We’re clear that our proposal is the best balance achievable in terms of surrounding communities and our operation, and works for Edinburgh and Scotland.

“We’ll be working with NATS on the co-ordination issues to allow the CAA to restart its analysis so we can develop the airport for the future.”

Campaign group Edinburgh Airport Watch welcomed the CAA’s decision to postpone the review with a spokesman saying: “These proposals enjoyed very little support in communities. The airport never needed all these flight paths, they operate fewer take-offs and landings today than 10 years ago.

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“We must also remember the tens of thousands of people who continue to suffer daily noise abuse from Edinburgh Airport.

“The airport cannot continue to ignore the plight of all these people in their homes and we call on them to learn from their past mistakes, and start a proper, meaningful and respectful dialogue with communities that leads to substantial improvements.”