Free trams to return for Hogmanay celebrations

Free trams will run for HogmanayFree trams will run for Hogmanay
Free trams will run for Hogmanay
Free late-night trams are set for a return as part of Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations.

Last year thousands of revellers took advantage of the offer that saw services running through the night and into New Year’s Day.

Edinburgh Trams has teamed up with Edinburgh’s Hogmanay organisers, Underbelly, to run free trams from every 20 minutes (from midnight on December 31 to 5am on January 1) between the West End and Edinburgh Airport.

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Lea Harrison, Edinburgh Trams Managing Director said: “Thanks to its famous Hogmanay, Edinburgh is arguably the best place in the world to celebrate the New Year, and the city attracts tens of thousands of visitors from across the globe. The introduction of free night trams for the first time at the turn of 2017 proved a huge success, and we’re delighted to once again be able to help visitors to make the most of a very special night and to enjoy a safe journey home afterwards.”

Charlie Wood & Ed Bartlam, Directors, Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, said: “After enjoying the party revellers will be able to glide home safety with Edinburgh Trams’ free, overnight services. We’re absolutely delighted Edinburgh Trams is again running this service for the thousands of locals and visitors who’ll be attending Edinburgh’s Hogmanay events.”

Councillor Donald Wilson, Culture and Communities Convener, said: “Edinburgh’s Hogmanay is the busiest night of the year in the city centre, with over 75,000 people counting down to midnight at our official celebrations alone. After enjoying a fantastic night with us, we want to get everyone home safely. We are thankful for the generous support of Edinburgh Trams, whose hard-working staff will be on duty throughout New Year’s night to help make this happen.”

The full programme can be viewed at